Facing the critical error (OutOfBoundsExeption) as below when editing your project?

critical error
force close application

Kindly follow below guide to resolve the issue.

  1. Download hotfix installer here or with below link http://download.pixajoy.com.my/pixajoy/hotfix/CriticalError_Hotfix_1.0.zip
  2. Install the hotfix (Please make sure your Pixajoy Editor had already Exit/Quit before install the hotfix)
  3. Launch Pixajoy Editor.
  4. Click on “Create New Project” -> Click “Check For Updates” on the bottom left of window.
  5. Update “PIXAJOY Editor 2015r3” (If available)
  6. Update “Application Data” (If available)
  7. Update All the items under “Product” Category. (Not require to update anything other then product, at this moment)
  8. Open Existing Projects and continue your project.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if the problem persists.

Wish you happy photo book making with us. Peace