Facing the critical error (OutOfBoundsExeption) as below when editing your project?
Kindly follow below guide to resolve the issue.
- Download hotfix installer here or with below link http://download.pixajoy.com.my/pixajoy/hotfix/CriticalError_Hotfix_1.0.zip
- Install the hotfix (Please make sure your Pixajoy Editor had already Exit/Quit before install the hotfix)
- Launch Pixajoy Editor.
- Click on “Create New Project” -> Click “Check For Updates” on the bottom left of window.
- Update “PIXAJOY Editor 2015r3” (If available)
- Update “Application Data” (If available)
- Update All the items under “Product” Category. (Not require to update anything other then product, at this moment)
- Open Existing Projects and continue your project.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if the problem persists.
Wish you happy photo book making with us. Peace