As a parent, being a photographer is one of the missions too. Fortunately, taking pictures becomes a lot easier since we all have camera or smartphone nowadays. 😄 So, if you want your children can look back and remember all this great moment, follow these 5 steps to capture good pictures of your children!

1. Get on their level. Lower! Closer!
Squat down, kneel down or lie down to be at the same height as the child. When you’re on their level, you can capture their world and attract them to look into the camera.

2. Burst mode ON!
The child’s expression will change instantly before you press the shutter button. Hence, turn on your burst mode if you don’t want to miss it! You should be able to capture numerous spontaneous facial expression by using this mode.

Image taken via Pinterest

Images by Diyosa

3. Always get ready!
To increase the success rate of shooting, always get your camera ready. Switch on the anti-shake function and change your camera’s settings before you take photos. ISO, aperture and shutter speed are the important elements that you should focus when you’re shooting photos.


4. Find a partner!

Get yourself a partner to play and lead the child to look into the camera. The photo shoot, too ,will be more fun if there is a partner playing with the child! 🙈


5. Filters!

It doesn’t require professional photoshop skills. Download and use free photo editor to add on some lively filters to add the adorableness! The photos will be just perfect!


We hope these ideas help you capture great photos of your children. Have fun & happy shooting with your kids! 💓