Many designers have been asking us about how to create a Pixajoy photo book page design using third party design softwares like Photoshop (PS) or iPhoto.
It’s possible to do so. In this post we will share on how to start your page design using a third party design software.
The first thing you must know is the content page size and secondly, the cover page size ( if you’re doing the Cool Image Wrap Hardcover / Stylish Layflat Hardcover / Cheap ‘n’ Chic Softcover) of your selected book type. You also need to know the cover size because the cover size will keep changing as you increase the pages.
Content Page Size :
- Start Pixajoy Editor and select Create a New Project.
- Select your book type & size.
- Add a Picture box onto the content page.
- Right click the Picture box, select “Fit” -> “Fit To Page”
- On the Inspector Panel (the grey panel on the right), select the fourth tab (the one with a yellow ruler).
- Under the selected tab there’ll be information on the page width and height (in mm).
Cover Page Size :
- To get the accurate cover design page size, you must add pages in Pixajoy Editor; to number of pages you would like to do.
- Follow the same flow as getting the content page size (add picture box to cover page……).
Use the Height and Width from above as your design page size in the third party design software. After you’ve done your design, save your design as JPG/JPEG format at 300dpi. Then, import the files into Pixajoy Editor and Fit (Fit –> Fit to Page) the files onto the pages.
The below images show how to get the design page size in Pixajoy Editor.
Click To Enlarge
Useful Links:
Happy Photo Book Making!