How they met Bae.
It’s wedding season and we figured that some of you are probably in the midst of either planning your dream wedding or figuring out a way to pop the question! Well, to add to the ‘wedding fever’ vibe of the month, we decided to share some fun stories about how some couples met their significant others!
We’ve got stories that range from the cavity-inducing sweet ones, some pretty hilarious ones and some that are just plain weird, but hey, that’s love for you!
I met him through Tinder – Natalie

No lie, I met my husband through Tinder. I downloaded the app because all my friends had it and they seemed to be having a good time. It was all just for fun and I didn’t think anything would come out of it.
I matched James about 4 months in and saw that he lived closed by. We decided to try going on a date and frankly our first date was a disaster. The cafe we went to was crowded, they got our orders mixed up and we had to wait a long time for food. Surprisingly, he kept his cool, even made jokes and we ended up talking for quite a bit about a variety of subjects I can’t quite remember.
It was an okay end to an unfortunate evening but ultimately, after dinner, I didn’t think we’d end up going on another date. Surprisingly, about a week later he asked me out again and this time the date went a lot better. We kept seeing each other, going on dates and soon he became someone I really cared about and could really rely on. He proposed to me after about a year of us dating and we got married in April 2018.
I ‘bro-zoned’ her for 3 years in High School – Boon

She was my junior (I was 15 at that time) and we were in the same sports club. I’ve always known that she existed but it wasn’t until my last year of high school that I really noticed her as a girl instead of a teammate. One day we were in the canteen and in opposite queues when our eyes met and it was like the curtains over my eyes were finally lifted and it hit me.
I really liked her.
Not as a friend or a bro but as a girl who I could see myself spending every waking moment with. That evening when we got home, I messaged her on MSN and I asked her out. She said yes and we’ve been together for going onto 8 years now.
I mistook her for my blind date – Steve

I had broken up with my ex-girlfriend for about two months and according to my friends, I was ‘very depressing’ to be around. They tried to get me out of my funk and decided to set me up on a blind date. At first, I didn’t want to go but they badgered me until I finally gave in.
Anyway, I set out to meet this mystery girl at the college coffee shop. The only clue I was given was that she’d be sitting at a two-person seat and would be wearing a denim jacket. I got there, looked around for a bit and saw (who I had thought was) my blind date. I immediately sat down across from her and introduced myself and asked if I could get her a coffee. She agreed and we ended up chatting for quite a bit and I was actually really happy because it seemed like we just really clicked.
We left the coffee shop and headed to a nearby cafe for lunch. I was halfway through my meal when my friend called me up, asking me why I didn’t turn up for my blind date. Turns out the girl I was supposed to be meeting showed up a little late and thought I had stood her up. Immediately I apologized to my accidental date but she took it in stride and said it was all cool.
‘Just serendipity, I guess.’ she said and it really stuck to me how cool she was. We kept in contact after that (I added her on FB) and about 3 months later, I asked her out on a real date. We’ve been together ever since.
Our friends set us up in College – Karen

In college, I was part of a rather big group that was collectively known as the ‘kiasu group’ (in Hokkien, kiasu is the word that roughly means ‘fear of missing out’), because we would always pair up amongst ourselves to study and get good grades (fun fact: We were all dean listed by the time we graduated).
Anyway, I had a crush on one of the guys in our group. I didn’t think it was that obvious but apparently, some of my other friends had noticed. They tried to convince me to approach him but I was too shy. In the end, they sort of set us up by leaving us alone together during study group, subtle teasing and asking straight out if the guy would consider dating me and vice-versa. It was so embarrassing but worth it when the guy I had a crush on began to really think on the issue.
Long story short, we started going out and my other friends threw a small party for us. We’re still together now and it’s been close to 4 years.
It started with us fake dating each other – Laura

Both my husband and I come from big families and we love them (really, we do), but sometimes they can be just a bit nosy and annoying! I never really dated much in high school or my first year at University and I dreaded the holidays because as much as I love my family, being constantly bombarded with questions of;
‘Are you dating anyone?’
‘Do you have a boyfriend yet?’
‘When are you getting married?’
Gets really tiring after a while. So one year (and to this day, I don’t know what possessed me to do this) I decided to ask my friend Prasad to pretend to be my boyfriend and stop by my place during my family’s yearly get-together; just so that my relatives would stop asking those dreaded questions.
He agreed and when the day came, I swear to God I had never seen my family so excited. They welcomed him with open arms and Prasad managed to charm everyone in my family. At the end of the day when he left for home, my aunts even praised me for finding such a good looking and nice boyfriend.
Then fast forward a few months to Deepavali, he asked me over to his place to pretend to be his girlfriend for the exact same reason! Similarly, I was made to feel very welcomed by his family and in the end, we both felt kind of guilty for lying to our parents and relatives just to avoid nosy questions.
We ended up dating for real after I asked him if he thought we could be a ‘real thing’. Now we’re married and neither of us has told our parents about how we really got together.
And that concludes our sharing session. We’d like to take a moment to thank our contributors who were willing to share their unforgettable moments with us. It’s these kinds of memories that we want to help preserve and keep alive; something that you can look back on and laugh about when you’re older.
Are you planning on walking down the aisle? If the answer is yes, why not consider turning your love story into a photo book so that you can look back on all the amazing moments you’ve shared with bae!