Fool Proof Ways to Achieve Your Goals
It’s already partway through the first month of the new year and we’re checking in to see how you’re getting on with those New Year’s Resolutions. Have you achieved some of the things you set out to achieve or have you stumbled across a block and have given up until the Next Year already?
We’re not judging! But if you are struggling to keep some of those promises you made for the new year, we’d like to offer our two cents on how you can achieve your goal for 2019.
Hold yourself accountable!
You know what they say; talk is cheap. It’s much easier to say that you’re going to do something about your life rather than actually going out there and actually doing something. However, if you write down your list of goals to accomplish in 2019, there’s a better chance of you actually sticking to it and crossing off some of those goals on your list!
Also remember that once you’ve got your goals written down, place the list somewhere that’s easy for you to see consistently (Why? So that you can remind yourself of what needs to be done and recommit to your goals).
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Set Realistic Goals
While it’s good to dream big, when it comes to setting your personal goals for the year, you need to also make sure that your goals are attainable during the next 12 months. Instead of making huge promises to yourself (like becoming Asia’s Next Top Model, owning your own home or getting a new job that pays twice your current salary) maybe aim for smaller resolutions that can ultimately lead to a bigger impact down the line.
Credit: @mastercowley on
Something like ‘start eating more veggies’, ‘save at least a quarter of each months salary’, or ‘drink more water’ would be good smaller resolutions to start off with as they can be achieved within a reasonable amount of time.
Not only will you feel less pressured, but the sense of accomplishment you get when you achieve your goal can be pretty euphoric!
Have a goal for different aspects of your life
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Admittedly, when you first begin to write down your goals for 2019, it’s pretty easy to get hyper-focused on one particular aspect of your life and let the others fall on the wayside. For example, you might be concerned about your appearance and want to become more stylish; therefore you focus most of your time and energy on going out to the gym and shopping for a new outfit.
@marianeofcysn on Instagram
But what about the other aspects of your life? Like your relationship, financial, study, work or spiritual goals? Those things are equally important in order to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
Our advice to you is to set a maximum of one or two goals for each important aspect of your life as it’s much more holistic.
Create Couple or Group Resolution Goals
Credit: Luis on Pexels
Like going to the gym, accomplishing your new year’s resolutions is much more fun when you’ve got someone else doing it with you. That being said, get your friends, family or significant other involved so that you can motivate each other into achieving your goals. When working together to achieve a common goal, you’ll also notice that you’ll be less inclined to give up the goal half-way as you know that someone is counting on you.
Reward Yourself
Credit: Gerd Altmann on Pexels
Accomplishing your goals is no walk in the park. It takes a lot of dedication, time, hard work and (sometimes even) hundreds of hours of listening to people giving motivational speeches online so that you don’t lose heart and give up halfway.
So when you manage to accomplish New Year’s resolutions, make sure to celebrate and reward yourself accordingly. The thrill of accomplishing the goals this year will also be a great driving force to motivate you into completing your New Year’s Resolutions for the following year as well.
Well, there you have it – some foolproof tips on how to set and achieve your goals for the rest of the year. Hopefully, it’ll inspire you enough to make long-term changes in your life. But if you DO fall off the bandwagon early, just know that it’s never too late to make a change! Rome wasn’t built in a day after all.