Are you excited to create your very own photo book?

If you want to have more control over your photo book’s design, you have the option of choosing to use our free Pixajoy Editor for desktops. You don’t need to start from scratch, you can opt to download our pre-designed templates! What used to be exclusively for our online editor can now be used on our downloadable editing programme!

To get and use a template, just follow the steps below!

Note: Example given in this tutorial using Mini Layflat Lite (5.7″ x 4.2″ Portrait) and Colorful Trip theme on Windows.

Step 1

Ensure that you have the Desktop Pixajoy Editor installed.
>> Pixajoy Editor for Desktops (Windows / Mac)

Step 2

Browse and select from our collection of templates on our website by clicking the link below:
>> Photo Book Theme Templates
**Pick by photo book size so that you’re getting a template you can use!


Step 3

Choose the “Offline Method” and select your computer’s system to start your download!

Step 4

Extract and install the template’s files.
**Make sure you close the Pixajoy Editor before installation!

Step 5

Open your Pixajoy Editor and “Open an Existing Project”.

Step 6

Double-click on the “Pre-Designed Theme Templates” to view all currently installed templates.

Step 7

Select a template you want to use and select the type of photo book you’d like to make.
**Click on “Duplicate Project” before starting so that you can use the template again in the future.

You’re now ready to create your photo book! Congratulations! 😀