Singles Guide: 5 Things to do this Valentines Day.
It’s officially the world’s most lovey-dovey day of the year; Valentines Day! For all you romantics (either single or already involved in a relationship), today is the day of chance; a day to either confess your love or plot a romantic date to surprise your significant other with.
That’s all well and good, but we would like to take this opportunity to address the bright pink elephant in the room. Despite the fact that Valentines Day has been marketed as a ‘couples only’ holiday…it really isn’t.
Valentine’s day is more than just pink hearts and dinner dates. It’s a day to celebrate your relationship with friends, family, the other loves in your life. In fact, it’s also a day for you to show your love and appreciation to yourself!
Bottom line is, everyone can take part in Valentine’s Day and celebrate it in their own unique and special way because… Well, everyone has someone they love; regardless if that love is romantic or platonic.
With that in mind, we’ve prepared a list of 5 things you can do this Valentines Day!
Do something Nice for your parents.

Life is just one of those things that you can never really control. One minute you’re having fun and seem to have all the time in the world and the next minute, you’re buried under mounds of work; hardly daring to breathe much less spare a thought about how your parents are doing.
If you ever find yourself in this situation, maybe you should take a moment and do something nice for them; like sending over a bouquet of flowers, taking them out to dinner or simply spending some quality family time with them.
(Gift Idea: Present them with a special photo book filled with your most cherished memories together)
Go on out with your Best Friend.

Similar to the parent situation, when was the last time you saw your best friend in person? If the answer is: ‘it’s been a while’, then Valentines Day is a great opportunity to go on a ‘Friend Date’ and catch up on some of the things you’ve missed.
Hit up the movie theatre or the fancy new cafe with the gorgeous desserts (you know the one) and of course, definitely, go crazy with the selfies! Who knows when the next time will be until you see each other again!
(Gift Idea: Print out your favourite selfies together in the form of Story Tag Cards so you’ll both have a physical memento of your time spent together)
Throw a Singles Party!

We’d like to reiterate that just because you don’t have a significant other, doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. If you’re starting to feel a little left out after seeing posts of couples going out on a date or celebrating at a fancy restaurant for Valentines Day, why not throw yourself (and you other single friends) a Singles Party!
See a movie, go hiking, put on a BBQ with good music and video games; the options are endless and by the time everyone is over at your house and having a good time, you won’t even spare couples a second thought!
(Gift idea: If you took a lot of pictures from the party, try turning them into prints or cards. You can even send some of them to each of your friends and it’ll make for a great keepsake!)
Offer to Babysit your niece or nephew (or baby cousins)

Valentines Day is also a day where you can earn extra brownie points if you’re single. If you have siblings or relatives who have younger children, why not offer to babysit them so that their parents can go and spend a romantic evening by themselves.
Rather than moping at home, you get to be the cool aunt/uncle (showing your little baby nieces, nephews or cousins that you love and appreciate their company) while simultaneously doing something nice for your siblings/relatives.
Love yourself.

Credits: Artem Bali
With all the pressure society puts onto us to be in a relationship, Valentine’s day can be a bit mentally draining. But a sure-fire way to help you prevent from feeling depressed on this candy-sweet holiday is to fall in love… with yourself! They say that when people start to love themselves, their lives becomes so much better. This is because loving ourselves is crucial to our overall well-being, happiness, and success.
So if you’re alone this Valentines Day, treat yourself. Go to the spa, go shopping, buy yourself a nice meal or go dancing. Do something that makes you feel happy and never mind what other people may think.