4 Out-Of-The-Box Ideas to Use Photo Goods
Creativity is like a sweet dessert, there’s always room for a little more. The ability to look at things differently from the way we typically look at things and doing something different for the sake of experimenting, discovering, or establishing a new idea is an art that can be handy in making our life even easier.
With more and more creative hacks making their way onto the internet each day, turning ordinary items into something beautiful yet useful is a breeze!
But what about unique photo goods with a mix of personality and functionality? How can we use them in a creative and unusual way? To find out the answers to the questions and get some 0ut-of-the-box ideas to use photo goods, read on this blog.
Gift Wrap

Want an effortless way to add a thoughtful touch to your gifts without seeming too sappy? Why not pair your gift wrap with photo prints?
If you were to open your camera gallery right now (or browse through your social media account galleries) you’ll probably find tons of photos. Surely, you’ll also be able to find plenty of photos featuring you and your intended gift receiver.
Once you’ve found some suitably heartwarming (or just plain funny) photos of you two together, print them out (we recommend using the 5”x5” prints) and use double-sided tape to secure the prints onto the gift wrap.
The prints can be double as a ‘seal’ or ‘indicator’ of who certain presents are for (a great hack during gift-giving holidays like Christmas). Unlike the usual way we use photo prints to decorate our home or as a scrapbooking item, this is an unusual way to use them and capture the heart of the gift receiver’s heart.
DIY Pull-Out Photo Memory Box

Photo Courtesy : @emmycoletti
Are you someone who’s very much into the 70’s era aesthetic? Or someone who loves Polaroid-style prints? If your answer is “yes” for either one of the questions, then you must be a fan of story tag cards.
Story tag cards are super versatile in nature that you can use to decorate home, gift them to someone, scrapbooking, or simply store and cherish your favourite memories in style. But how many of you know that you can also create a creative and beautiful pull-out memory box?
A pull-out memory box is an accordion fold photo strip arranged in a box. They make a surprising gift or creative keepsake box of your memories. It is a simple yet special way to cherish your memories. All that you need is a small keepsake box, card stock, and small prints of your favorite photos to turn them into a unique pull-out memory box.
Want to give it a try? Click here to find the tips and tricks to create a pull-out memory box.
DIY Reason /Story Cards

Playing cards are just one of those things that are popular worldwide – kind of like Monopoly but way more versatile. Almost everyone from all corners of the globe, no matter their social or economic standing have at least played one card game in their lifetime.
But what’s a unique way to turn them into something more special and far more useful than to play games? Creating Arting trading cards.
Artist trading cards are special way of expressing your feelings or something that meaningful to your loved ones.It is a miniature masterpiece which are reated by putting together a deck of cards with special messages on each. For example “52 reasons why I love you”, 52 reasons why you make me smile” and more. With a very simple quick process, this project will definitely brighten up your loved ones day.
Dessert Holder

Who says that shot glasses can only be used to hold beverages like wine or liquor and for drinking purpose only? Did you know that besides they’re main purpose of holding beverages, they can also be used to hold dessert for an elegant dinner party, fun backyard bash or a simple dessert party at home?
Small in size, portable and convenient, they’re a perfect and creative way to serve mini desserts like brownie Parfaits, tart, fruit varieties or even a shortcake truffles.Using them as a dessert holders ensures that the desserts served to your guests are in a perfect or equal quantity. Also, the personalised shot glasses that comes with personality will also be a great way to get appetites and conversation started.
Pro-Tip : Feeling inspired and want to get your own personalised shot glasses? Click here to get yours now!
And that concludes our list of 4 out-box-of ideas to use photo goods. So if you’re feeling inspired to get some personalised goodies, please feel free to visite Pixajoy website.