4 Charming Family Photo Ideas.
Family photos are a great way to cherish the beautiful moments you’ve had with your loved ones. From sharing a good belly laugh over a bowl of snack to the heart-melting moments of watching your family members meaningful milestones; all the love, emotions and care are purely precious to be cherished for the rest of your life.
Whether you choose to preserve those moments with a series of photobooks or turn them into amazing wall art pieces, it is quite important to make sure that your family photos are lovely enough to shine through and help you to reminisce the beautiful moments of your family.
But the question is what are the some of ideas you can use to capture captivating family photos? Do you need funny poses of your family members? Any extra effects on your family photos or you just need to give a wide-grin face when you look at the camera? There could be a lot of doubts running through your mind right now! To help you in getting some ideas and inspiration on it, here are 4 charming family photo ideas for you.
Get a Candid Shot.

If you or any of your family members are camera shy people, then you certainly know the trouble of looking directly to the camera, giving an awkward grin or holding rigid poses for a moment. In order to avoid the problem, get candid and catch your family in act! After all, photos don’t need to be formal and in a predictable way always.
Taking pictures of your family members without their knowledge, while they’re having fun with siblings, dancing like a maniac, walking with mom or any other beautiful moments in everyday life is the best way to capture the love, emotions and the personality you shared with your loved ones.
Other than that, nothing can convey a lovely and fun-filled story of your family moments, better than the genuine facial expressions, colourful actions along with the moods of your family members during the real moments. These are the things that make a candid shot to look impressive enough to be displayed in photobooks or wood prints.
Make Use Of Golden Hour Shoot.

You’ve probably heard about golden hour photography, but do you know what exactly it is? Have you ever tried taking your family photos during the golden hours? If the answer is ‘no’ (we’ll even take a ‘maybe’ at this point), then it is time to open your eye to the beauty of nature and the magic we could create with it!
Golden hours is the first hour of light after sunrise and the last hour of light after the sunset. This time of the day is simply magical, as it gives you an opportunity to take photos in soft light, create an amazing family silhouette and getting a cool flare effect on your family photos. All the beautiful effects of the magical hours will make your family photos look dreamy, warm and cheerful.
So your family photos with varied poses such as cuddling, strolling and having fun with your family during golden hours, will look amazing as photo prints or a different style of photos in your photobook.
Focus on Details.

Every time when it comes to family photos, you must have been so focused on capturing your family with a charming scene setup, various prop usage and the perfect surroundings. But one of the artistic ways that you might have often overlooked is the beauty of capturing a detailed portrait of your family.
Detail-Focused photography is an art of capturing one thing in a close-up which conveys a message or shows a concept through the visual. For instance, photos that focus on layered hands of your family members, bare feet of your child, siblings holding hands or anything other shot that helps you to express the love, interaction and emotions in your family.
Every detail matters a lot in family photos. When you try to focus on the specific detail like a layered hand of your family members, the difference between adults and kid’s hand will be clearly emphasised. This will make your family photo look unique and suitable to be displayed in photobooks or wall art pieces which will help you to cherish your family memories.
Try a Different Perspective.

Sometimes, fun and unique family photos are the most enthralling one to make their way onto fully personalised photo books, walls in your home or personalised postcards to be sent to your family or friends. In order to make family photos look more lively and unique, why not try a different perspective on capturing the best moments of your family members?
Perspective is all about, a particular attitude towards a point of view which helps you to get interesting photos of your family. You may try to photograph your children from upward which makes their eyes look sharper and the body becomes a blur, splitting the family forward and backwards, shoot low angle view of your family walking in a field or a wide angle of your siblings playing around.
The different angles you use to photograph your family will make your family photos look fun, exciting, cheerful and showcase your family members personalities in a unique way. Besides that, all the joyful moments with your family during the family session can be cherished forever.
We hope these family photo ideas will inspire you to get a beautiful shot for your next photo session! To create a keepsake that will cherish your family moments, please feel free to visit the Pixajoy website and choose your favourites!